Sarah Dower

My Story
Hi! My name is Sarah Dower, and I am the children’s ministry assistant at SMCC. I grew up in small town USA, a sweet place called Hutchinson, KS where my godly parents taught and trained me with the Word of God. I understood the holiness of God and His perfect standard, that I was a slave to sin and had no way of meeting that holy standard. The guilt of my sin was heavy and it was an Easter evening, after hearing of what Jesus had done on the cross for me multiple times throughout the day that I finally surrendered my whole life to Christ and put my faith and trust in Him. The Lord has allowed different trials throughout my life to continue to draw me to Himself. The nearness of Him is my good.

I married the best guy, Ted Dower, and one month later we moved to beautiful Birmingham, AL, and it’s here that our midwestern selves had us three southern boys. Thomas, Whitefield and Titus bring us so much joy and laughter. They love playing tag, soccer, basketball and anything that ends in wrestling.

Upon moving here, we immediately fell in love with the people of SMCC. I find it to be such a privilege to watch Pastor Jonathan and other incredible volunteers in Adventure Crew teach the children deep truths from the Word of God. My husband and I are also starting a Growth Group and serve within the men’s and women’s ministry at the church. We fill most of our time with SMCC and would have it no other way!
I enjoy a good competition, cheering on my teams in all different kinds of sporting events, tackling a new recipe and wrestling my boys.
As a children’s ministry assistant my role is tons of fun. It can look like making copies of musical scripts, taste testing just the right snacks, ordering curriculum, organizing and befriending all of our volunteers, and watching the SMCC children learn God’s Word through song and memorization in Kingdom Kids and Adventure Crew.
Favorite Scripture
But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.
Psalm 73:28
Hi! My name is Sarah Dower, and I am the children’s ministry assistant at SMCC. I grew up in small town USA, a sweet place called Hutchinson, KS where my godly parents taught and trained me with the Word of God. I understood the holiness of God and His perfect standard, that I was a slave to sin and had no way of meeting that holy standard. The guilt of my sin was heavy and it was an Easter evening, after hearing of what Jesus had done on the cross for me multiple times throughout the day that I finally surrendered my whole life to Christ and put my faith and trust in Him. The Lord has allowed different trials throughout my life to continue to draw me to Himself. The nearness of Him is my good.

I married the best guy, Ted Dower, and one month later we moved to beautiful Birmingham, AL, and it’s here that our midwestern selves had us three southern boys. Thomas, Whitefield and Titus bring us so much joy and laughter. They love playing tag, soccer, basketball and anything that ends in wrestling.

Upon moving here, we immediately fell in love with the people of SMCC. I find it to be such a privilege to watch Pastor Jonathan and other incredible volunteers in Adventure Crew teach the children deep truths from the Word of God. My husband and I are also starting a Growth Group and serve within the men’s and women’s ministry at the church. We fill most of our time with SMCC and would have it no other way!


I enjoy a good competition, cheering on my teams in all different kinds of sporting events, tackling a new recipe and wrestling my boys.


As a children’s ministry assistant my role is tons of fun. It can look like making copies of musical scripts, taste testing just the right snacks, ordering curriculum, organizing and befriending all of our volunteers, and watching the SMCC children learn God’s Word through song and memorization in Kingdom Kids and Adventure Crew.

Favorite Scripture:

But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.

Psalm 73:28