Yet it did not fall, for it had been
founded on the rock

Matthew 7:25b

Our Story

In 1969, about 25 people came together to form a new church in the Bluff Park community called "Shades Mountain Methodist Church (Independent)". Dick Vigneulle, a local banker and visionary evangelist, was asked to serve as Lead Pastor. The mission of a church to serve as a “light on the hill” pointing people to Christ began. In 1970, the church would begin to be known as Shades Mountain Independent Church (SMI). As Pastor Vigneulle taught and inspired us to proclaim the Word of God, the ministry of the church expanded. Throughout those early years many people joined the church, a Christian school was established, building projects were completed, and property was obtained. Missionaries were sent out worldwide, and the Faith Promise giving initiative was born. To this day, many Christians in the Birmingham area remember SMI as the place where they surrendered to the Lord.

In 1994, Pastor Harry Walls began serving as Lead Pastor. He brought a depth of teaching and textual understanding to the pulpit. Our church body was blessed by his leadership in many ways including the introduction of Biblical eldership, necessary building projects, and his unique capacity to relate to members in crisis. Due to family health issues in 2015, Pastor Walls stepped down, and our church entered a transitional year as we searched for a new pastor.

In 2016, Pastor Rick Goertzen began serving as Lead Pastor. The Lord used his gifts to grow our congregation spiritually, numerically, and in unity. His vision for excellence resulted in updated facilities, greater gathering opportunities, and a name change to "Shades Mountain Community Church." Pastor Rick's teaching helped deepen our congregation's theology and love for God's Word. His late wife Kris was an influential teacher and leader in developing a thriving women’s ministry. Pastor Rick Goertzen stepped down in 2024 to serve as lead pastor at Countryside Bible Church in Hampton, Nebraska.

In late 2024, Pastor Spencer DeBurgh began serving as Senior Preaching Pastor. He has giftings in expository teaching and practical application with an avid prayer life at the center of his philosophy of ministry. Today, our church is known for Biblical teaching, deep relationships, and a heart for missions. We are a non-denominational, multi-generational congregation with many senior adults, young families, and everything in between. We desire to be a faithful congregation that loves the Lord and loves people. Since our inception in 1969, God has faithfully blessed and sustained SMCC to serve the Bluff Park community and the world as that "light on the hill" pointing people to Christ.

Yet it did not
fall, for it had
been founded
on the rock.

Matthew 7:25b

Our Story

In 1969, about 25 people came together to form a new church in the Bluff Park community called "Shades Mountain Methodist Church (Independent)". A local banker and visionary evangelist, Dick Vigneulle, was asked to serve as Lead Pastor. The mission of a church to serve as a “light on the hill,” pointing people to Christ began. In 1970, the church would begin to be known as Shades Mountain Independent Church (SMI).

As Pastor Vigneulle taught and inspired us to proclaim the Word of God, the ministry of the church expanded. Throughout those early years, many people joined the church, a Christian school was established, building projects were completed, and property was obtained. Missionaries were sent out worldwide and the Faith Promise giving initiative was born. To this day, many Christians in the Birmingham area remember SMI as the place where they surrendered to the Lord.

In 1994, Pastor Harry Walls began serving as Lead Pastor. He brought a depth of teaching and textual understanding to the pulpit. Our church body was blessed by his leadership in many ways, including the introduction of Biblical eldership, necessary building projects, and his unique capacity to relate to members in crisis. Due to family health issues in 2015, Pastor Walls stepped down and our church entered a transitional year as we searched for a new pastor.

In 2016, Pastor Rick Goertzen began serving as Lead Pastor. The Lord used his gifts to grow our congregation spiritually, numerically, and in unity. His vision for excellence resulted in updated facilities, greater gathering opportunities, and the church name was changed to "Shades Mountain Community Church." Pastor Rick's teaching helped deepen our congregation's theology and love for God's Word. His late wife, Kris, was an influential teacher and leader in developing a thriving women’s ministry. Rick Goertzen stepped down in 2024 to serve as lead pastor at Countryside Bible Church in Hampton, Nebraska. 

In late 2024, Pastor Spencer DeBurgh began serving as Senior Preaching Pastor. He has giftings in expository teaching and practical application with an avid prayer life at the center of his philosophy of ministry. Today, our church is known for Biblical teaching, deep relationships, and a heart for missions. We are a non-denomonational, multi-generational congregation with many senior adults, young families, and everything in between. We desire to be a faithful congregation that loves the Lord and loves people. Since our inception in 1969, God has faithfully blessed and sustained SMCC to serve the Bluff Park community and the world as that light on the hill, pointing people to Christ.

Our Story

Read Here
In 1969, about 25 people came together to form a new church in the Bluff Park community called "Shades Mountain Methodist Church (Independent)". A local banker and visionary evangelist, Dick Vigneulle, was asked to serve as Lead Pastor. The mission of a church to serve as a “light on the hill,” pointing people to Christ began. In 1970, the church would begin to be known as Shades Mountain Independent Church (SMI).

As Pastor Vigneulle taught and inspired us to proclaim the Word of God, the ministry of the church expanded. Throughout those early years, many people joined the church, a Christian school was established, building projects were completed, and property was obtained. Missionaries were sent out worldwide and the Faith Promise giving initiative was born. To this day, many Christians in the Birmingham area remember SMI as the place where they surrendered to the Lord.

In 1994, Pastor Harry Walls began serving as Lead Pastor. He brought a depth of teaching and textual understanding to the pulpit. Our church body was blessed by his leadership in many ways, including the introduction of Biblical eldership, necessary building projects, and his unique capacity to relate to members in crisis. Due to family health issues in 2015, Pastor Walls stepped down and our church entered a transitional year as we searched for a new pastor.

In 2016, Pastor Rick Goertzen began serving as Lead Pastor. The Lord used his gifts to grow our congregation spiritually, numerically, and in unity. His vision for excellence resulted in updated facilities, greater gathering opportunities, and the church name was changed to "Shades Mountain Community Church." Pastor Rick's teaching helped deepen our congregation's theology and love for God's Word. His late wife, Kris, was an influential teacher and leader in developing a thriving women’s ministry. Rick Goertzen stepped down in 2024 to serve as lead pastor at Countryside Bible Church in Hampton, Nebraska.

In late 2024, Pastor Spencer DeBurgh began serving as Senior Preaching Pastor. He has giftings in expository teaching and practical application with an avid prayer life at the center of his philosophy of ministry. Today, our church is known for Biblical teaching, deep relationships, and a heart for missions. We are a non-denomonational, multi-generational congregation with many senior adults, young families, and everything in between. We desire to be a faithful congregation that loves the Lord and loves people. Since our inception in 1969, God has faithfully blessed and sustained SMCC to serve the Bluff Park community and the world as that light on the hill, pointing people to Christ.

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