Orphan Care Ministry

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world"

James 1:27


We believe that the Bible is the true and living Word of God and all believers are called to the care of orphans. This care can come in a variety of forms. Where some are called to adoption or foster parenting, others are encouraged to sacrifice their time and skills for families in need.


Would you like to bless a foster family with an act of kindness? If you are looking to serve this ministry, regardless of your capacity, we can find a place for you!

Foster Parenting

If you are interested in foster parenting, we would love to chat! We are passionate about properly equipping individuals. We provide training that occurs for 10 consecutive weeks to provide licensing required for families to become foster parents. 


Wrestling in prayer

Families pursuing this love and care of orphans need members of the body to pray fervently for them. (James 5:16)




Providing care for orphans/foster kids so that our families can have a moment to renew themselves and their marriages.


Acts of Service

Every member has gifts and abilities to love families well, whether it is to mow a lawn or bring a meal. These acts of service are a huge blessing for families.


Promises of God

Orphan care is hard. Families who are faithfully loving children who've undergone trauma need reminders from the Word of God to exhort them to continued faithfulness.