Welcome Shades

Welcome Shades
Mountain Kids
Sunday School
@ 9am-10:15am
Join other kids in your grade for a fun time of exploring God’s word together. Sunday morning classes are taught by an experienced teacher who loves to take time to get to know each individual child.
Kids Church
@ 10:30am-12pm
We have a special Sunday Worship Service just for kids! It’s an exciting service filled with energetic songs, fun games, and an engaging lesson designed to help our children grow to become like Christ.
Kingdom Kids
@ 5:30pm-7pm
Whether you love to sing and act, or maybe even just make a “joyful noise,” we want you to discover your gifts and learn to use them for God’s glory. Come join us on Sunday nights!
Adventure Crew
Adventure Crew
@ 6:30pm-8pm
We have a special scripture memory program that connects and engages children with the Gospel. With games and crafts, each Wednesday night is an exciting adventure you won’t want to miss.
Join Us.
Kingdom Kids is our worship/arts ministry for kids 1st-8th grade. We put on original musicals in the winter and spring conducted and written by our Children's Pastor. We will provide an additional hour of childcare following Kingdom Kids for families participating in Growth Groups.
Join Us.
Adventure Crew (or A-Crew) is a Bible memory program just for kids. It is a three-year program that takes kids through nine books, each on a different topic of theology.